
It's an amazing drink; some call it a drink of the Gods, and we wholeheartedly agree. In ancient times, only the rich could enjoy the taste of premium loose-leaf teas. However, things have changed over time and, today, teas are available to people all around the world. We are ready to offer you natural, beneficial teas from different corners of the world: Thailand, Japan, China, and India. Having tried our tea once, we promise you’ll keep coming back for more.


  • White Tea

    It is the most prestigious among other teas. In ancient times, about 800 years ago, this kind has been served at the court of Chinese emperors. The common people could not afford to taste or even touch it. The emperors prized white tea for its beneficial properties. White tea has a delicate taste and subtle flavor, which can only be understood by a true connoisseur of high-quality tea. Today, everyone has an opportunity to purchase and taste it.

  • Green Tea

    If you are new to tea, you might not immediately understand the wide varieties of green tea flavors, but eventually, you will see and feel the difference between types, grades, and quality. Our team will help you to get more information by providing a wide selection of high-quality green tea.

  • Oolong Tea

    This kind has a long history, rooted in China. It is most often used in the ceremony of "Gong Fu." There are two kinds; light and dark oolong. Their main difference is the level of oxidation of the tea leaves. Oxidation level is wagging the taste and color of the drink. High oxidation gives you the darker liquid, and therefore, the taste is closer to black tea, and vice versa. In our collection, there are both light and dark oolong from Thailand, China, and Taiwan.

  • Black Tea

    Black or Red tea by Chinese classification is a 100% fermented leaf of the Camellia plant. The main difference from other variations is the degree of oxidation. This drink has popularity in the European countries for its tonic and, at the same time, relaxing effect. In our assortment, you will find interesting combinations from Thailand, China, and India.

  • Pu-erh

    Classic Pu-erh tea is grown and produced in Yunnan Province. Not so long ago, it began to be produced in Thailand. This unique tea has become famous all over the world for its useful properties, excellent taste, and millennial history. Due to this fact, it is very popular with connoisseurs of high-quality tea. With age, the taste of some Pu-erh becomes brighter and richer, which gives it an added value.

  • Wild Tea

    Jungle Tea is a product made from perennial tea bushes/trees of the Camellia sinensis Assamica family. Thailand is one of the few countries where you can find tea trees over 700 years old. In our selection, you will find several teas made from tea tree leaves.


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